Despite what some may believe, the need for a storage building was dreamt up back in the days of the initial Lodge groundbreaking. The reason was two-fold- I had lots of things that needed shelter that you wouldn't want to be tripping over everyday, AND, you wouldn't want to pull your daily driver in and out of what's essentially your living room on a daily basis. The name "Cold Storage" came along and stuck, even though the actual storage may well see some heat. Cold Storage 2 was actually the first iteration, and if you snoop through my folders you'll find many variations on the idea, each time, a different approach, because frankly, the designs never really clicked. Whatever the design, the specs were rigorous, needing to both house vehicles, power tools and equipment, interim washers/dryers, and a good portion of basement glut. It also needed to complement the lay of the land, harmonize with the lodge and pumphouse, and not attempt to take center stage. Third, it must be cost and time sensitive and make use of the Lodge "lessons learned". Not exactly easy benchmarks to hit.
Finally, a new approach that breaks from previous designs so significantly that it's fair to dub it "Cold Storage 3". The present design is workable, flexible even. With potential for full insulation and heating, an upstairs bathroom (yes, two floors), and some novel, integrated solutions to storage and movement. Where difficulty lies, is in spanning both floor and ceiling distances with conventional techniques. This is where the real engineering comes in.