Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thoughts on Computing

In most regards, we have come an extremely long way from the first computers. There have been ridiculous advances in size, cost, speed, power consumption and portability. But what’s interesting is that today, outside of extravagant purpose-built supercomputers, everybody’s running Intel with the same architecture. It’s like going to the car lot and having your choice of 10 different makes, and they’ve all got the same engine and suspension. Apple shows up with a different interior and a different paint color. Let’s say, Victoria Plum Firemist. Dell can’t figure out what color to paint their car so they look at Apple and paint theirs “Purple”.  That’s the state of machines today

But it wasn’t always so. In fact, until the PC revolution, there was no common “best” way to build a machine. For the first decade or so of commercial machines, you either chose a scientific computer, or a business oriented computer. Both were general purpose, but a scientific machine excelled at complex math (maybe it had hardware floating point) while a business machine was better at sorting and merging (high speed I/O). You might buy a Univac 1103 for your hydrodynamics problems, and a Univac II for payroll and inventory. The eventual availability of compact, affordable memory and reduced circuit size meant one machine could excel at both tasks. History credits this to the famed IBM 360 which was a make-or-break proposition for the company*. If you’ve ever wondered why it was called the 360, now you know- to encompass the complete circle of computing demands.

But a bent towards a specific field is pretty general. Today, a byte is specified as 8 bits, also known as a Word. 8-bit microcontrollers spurred the microcomputer industry in the late 70’s. 4 bits was too few (there was an Intel 4004) and 16 bits at that stage, just out of reach for most applications. But, it was realized very early on that the bigger the computer word, the more “work” that could be done in a single computing cycle. And even in 1952, people were trying to get all the computing speed they could out of their vacuum tube machines (which were remarkably fast). One machine might specify an instruction, a source address and a destination address (in binary of course) in a single word. 64-bits, or even more, were not uncommon 50 years ago. A large word also had the advantage that large numbers could be manipulated without splitting them into segments, but that’s another story. Other machines, such as the NORC, might even specify the addend address, the augend address and the destination address in a single word. Others included the address of the next instruction within that word.

And here’s the thing… Nobody had yet settled the matter of whether decimal arithmetic, or binary arithmetic, was the superior thing. That would take another 10 or 15 years. Having the machine work entirely in binary meant more efficient use of memory, but it also meant that conversion into, and out of, the machine would be required if it were to be human readable. And then we have 1’s complement, 2’s complement, XS3, etc.  Decimal machines solved this issue by acting on the digits of the stored numbers specifically as BCD, but 4 bits are required for each digit, so there’s a memory tradeoff because you essentially throw away the values of 11-15.

And what then, of letters? IBM preferred the EBCDIC encoding arrangement which assigned 6-bits to each letter; others preferred some flavor of 7-bit ASCII. Not only are the two incompatible, but ASCII allows natural sorting; that is, the binary code for G is greater than F, and F is greater than E. This is not so with EBCDIC. And how might the machine tell the difference between a number and a letter? If two leading zeros are appended to each BCD number, memory is wasted. Though clever designers might then assign these two bits to serve a different function (such as in the 1401).

But as the saying goes, that’s not all! Why must the machine word length be a fixed number of digits? What if it was infinite and the ends defined by some sort of bit pattern? This would certainly make for a much more efficient machine and a lot less wasted memory. And so was the IBM 1401 born. It far outsold the conservative projections of most everyone at IBM and became the most popular computer in the world up until the microcomputer movement. Words could be variable length, and their total length defined by a code known as a word mark.

So now we have scientific and business, BCD and binary, fixed length (of many varieties), variable length, and encoding differences.

Oh yes, and checking facilities. How does one ensure the exact number of bits has been recorded to tape when the blocks are written at several thousand bits per second and the loss of just one bit will completely invalidate the data? To say nothing of swapping reels on drives of various adjustment. Well, there’s no one way to do it. “All 1’s” checkers, checksum counts, even/odd parity bits, redundant channel recording, redundant CPU comparisons, and a host of other techniques were favored by various companies for various machines. And all worked pretty darn well.

And still, we haven’t discussed instruction architecture, which can get pretty wild. Or memory systems and addressing.

All of these variations meant lots of variety, and competition, and new ideas in CPU and architecture design. Something that’s exceedingly rare today, and likely never to be visited again given that software development work is done primarily at a high level language and that coders no longer have to give any though to the nuts and bolts of the machine. And as long as we can put more transistors on a chip, and make memory smaller, cheaper, and faster, there’s no need to care. The downside is that we’ve narrowed our path of computer evolution, which is only 1 of many nails in the coffin for the personal computer.

*One of many reasons the 360 was a gamble was that up until this time, IBM had attempted some semblance of machine compatibility amongst their scientific machines, and again with their business machines. The 360 was totally incompatible with ALL existing machines, and it would be some time before emulators (or useful software in general) would be available.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Redbox Special

The problem with Jobs, is that Ashton Kutcher is no Noah Wyle. Seriously. He’s good, but between an overly simplistic script and failed attempts to channel Jobs’ concentrated anger, well, this film is a rental at best. I can overlook the choppy editing, the rearranging of events in time, the trumped-up, over-dramatized “pivotal moments”, but this thing is a train wreck compared to Pirates. Which, for a 15-year-old, made for TV movie, manages to be more convincing, more comedic, and more professional than this Virgin production.

Other than that, it was great.

I also spent slightly more than the ticket price on a DVD documentary about Eckert and Mauchly which arrived this week. My review on Amazon was not kind. That makes two terrible computer biopic/documentaries endured within 48 hours.