Monday, June 23, 2008


Monday after work. Changed and ready for, well, work. Or more accurately, cutting.

Anyway, busy weekend. As a change of pace I had earmarked Saturday for some preventative maintenance on both the Blazer and Cara's Vdub. This meant the loss of a perfectly beautiful construction day, but I was able to put in a little time Friday after work before enjoying a night out at the Panther, to temper the loss. Sat AM rolls around and we ventured over to W'loo to pick up a couple special order parts for the truck. Turns out I had left the sawzall at the lodge so there'd be no exhaust work Saturday. No bother, I had a full day as it was. Some cuts and scrapes, rust in the face, and a couple trips to the parts store for "special tools" for Cara's brakes and we were on our way. By early eve the Blazer had new front shoes and shocks all around and Cara's car was ready for new rear pads (which required yet another trip to the parts store Sunday AM). Beaten, greasy, (did I mention beaten?) it was time to clean up and scramble for the bonfire I had offered out at my place Sat night. 

Cara and I got out to the lodge around 7:30 and opened up the upstairs to cool down. What a gorgeous night it turned out to be. Cam and Katherine arrived in short order and we gave them the dime tour of the (practically) finished upstairs. While taking in the view from the front deck, Ben roared in signaling the start of the festivities. We got the fire started, doused ourselves in bug spray and cooked hotdogs on the open flame. Nothing beats an ice cold beer and a bonfire on a clear night. We even managed to get things doused in short order and we were home by midnight.

Sunday AM I felt like a freight train had run me down. All the wrenching, straining and contorting of Saturday coupled with a weekful of post-work construction obligations had taken their toll. Even so, we got Cara's car finished up, tackled upteen loads of laundry and hit the lodge before day's end. Came home, tried a pair of p'zone's (not impressed) and collapsed.

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