Another weekend moving at accelerated speed, though I must admit, I did what I could to put the brakes on starting Friday afternoon. The workload came up, squashing my half-day plans but still left me with an hour of early escape. Managed to do some grocery shopping on the way home which included such things as a jug of 10w-40 and macaroni salad. A winning combo.
From there it was the standard rush to get to the lodge. Met up with Fernando and surveyed the work. Unfortunately, the rain earlier that day had not been kind and some touch-up work was needed on the EIFS. I worked from the bucket to put up blocking for the east shed-roof overhang before heading in to cleanup around dusk. Met up with Ben, and later in the eve, Cam, at the PL for draws and pool. The full house had quickly dissipated by the time we broke out the cues. I wasn’t quite ready for bed when I got home, despite having a big day in front of me. So, I decided to take a stroll around the hill (buzzing) and campus (dead) and try out my pipe with a UNI blend I had picked up. If you're going for effect, it's a good one. All smoke and no substance (college years anyone? Ha). Recommendation? Best to avoid this one.
Up and at 'em Saturday! After washing and some tidying the 85 FBCd'E was ready for winter and the '76 ready for the road. By noon the sun had burned off the haze and the trees were starting to shimmer. We made the annual Northeast trip to see the colors and stop in a few of the small towns on the way. Had ourselves a picnic at Pike's Peak which was really bustling. In the time we were there two different bridal parties had arrived for photos; some pretty hideous dresses too. It was a little chilly but the colors were right at their peak and well worth the trip. Cruised around 65-70 and climbed some pretty steep hills along the Mississippi; pulled in a respectable 12.2mpg.

The infamous Stark's provided a trunk load of Hamm's, Blatz and Frontier Whiskey.
The old depot in Prairie has been converted into a pub and while driving by it a neon sign in the window caught my eye, "Schlitz on Tap". I pulled the car over and went in for a look. From what I could tell from the tappers, they were bluffing. An 8' wide enamel neon sign hung from the tall ceiling inside boasting "Drink Blatz!". It appeared to have been restored. That's when I knew it was too good to be true. Turned around and walked out, much to the bewildermint of the crowd at the bar.
You can guess Sunday's activites by now. Windy as all get-out, whatever that means. Spent the day in the bucket handling the east shed soffit install and had to vacate a bat from his perch. I put him over by the trailer and sure enough, he eventually calmed himself and presumably climbed up behind the wheel well. Painting. Sawing. Tidying the yard. The wind wasn't quite Chaplin-esque, but got close. Cara came out at 4 and did some mowing and we put up snow fencing around the yews and secured the young crab apple.
Overcast, some rain, low 50's forecast for this week; as long as I don't have to break out the boots, I won't complain too loudly.
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