Well, it's official. To borrow a word from work that I loathe, the "electrification" project is ON. Now for the permits, the easement agreements, getting the crop out, and so forth. Ideally, the process should be transparent (especially for this costly sum) but if you don't take an active roll in it you'll end up with a transformer cabinet where you want to put your shuffleboard court. Or something like that. So, a meeting to walk the fences with the PoCo is slated for tonight. I'm not going to hold my breath on this one; there's always a catch.
Cold weekend, by the way. In fact this past week was a long gray smear punctuated with flurries and icy winds. Now that I've been doing this a couple years it's getting more and more apparent how my perception of workload lags the seasonal change. Getting even the simplest stuff done is a daunting challenge when it's 23F outside. That said, I'm looking forward to shifting to interior work here in December. If the electrical service does pull through, having both light and heat should really have a psychological impact for the better. Next season, should time and funds allow, should be an explosion of "details". When the big stuff is no longer being drug behind you by a rope, it's easier to spring forth.
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