This winter weather business is really getting old; not only the havoc of working out in the cold but dealing with mud and the road erosion on a daily basis takes a toll. Seems like a far cry from last Friday when we had terrific post-work weather. A little windy but warm enough to work shirtless from the bucket. Before sundown I had the side casement windows dismantled, masked, primed and frames painted. Much better. We hauled the picker in to town and headed for the apartment to collapse.
Only to spring up hours later and hit the road at 6AM. Destination: St. Louis. Summation: Picked up the precious turquoise cargo, strolled about the arch, had lunch on the riverfront with Cara's friend and family. And endured the agonizing 6 hour drive back. Not only was it a long day, but someone stole my hitch between Friday night and 6AM Saturday.
And then the snow came Sunday. Thick, slushy snow. There would be no picker transport today. Road crews couldn't keep up and Hudson Rd. was such a mess that after pulling out from an intersection, the Blazer remained motionless, spinning its rear wheels in place. Kept the 4WD going all the way out on Union. Drove in, noticing something wasn't quite right. The 4WD light was no longer lit. Hmmm. Did the bulb go out or was I really without front wheel assist? Pretty sure it was the latter after sticking the Blazer in the wet mud near the lodge. Trudged up the hill, wet snow piling and water dripping from the brim of my hat. Worked a couple hours building the bath vanity before heading to the Blazer and trying my luck. No dice. The snow was really flying by now and I walked to the road (laundry bag in tow!) to get a ride from Cara. We (and the parents) returned to the scene a couple hours later to see if we could break the beast free, even jacking the vehicle up and placing plywood under the wheels. But, without 4x4 action, this was a lost cause.
Monday: After some internet detective work Sunday night I took a stab at the Blazer's problem. Had a part sent down from Waverly to the local auto store. Trudged out after work with tools and slid under the frame on a sheet of scrap plywood with a new thermal axle actuator. Bingo, bango we were back in biz. Got the blazer out and toiled until dark on const activities. Finished things up by moving the "new" stove into the kitchen. Then home for cleanup and some Cary Grant. My body says, take a break pal.
This week- more of the same.
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