Bewildering week it was, with a change-up weekend. At least I feel exhausted now, as opposed to a few days ago where I could barely do anything intelligible outside of work, and yet wasn't feeling particularly sleepy. In bed by 8-something after a try-and-fail lodge expedition Friday night helped charge the batts a bit and made getting a crack on things early the next morning all the more easy. On the upside, I didn't burn another vacation day...sitting through 8 hours of Friday boredom, and I was able to get the necessary bricks and mortar ordered over lunch.
Saturday, then, progress central. Finished the last upstairs wallpaper. Gave the upper fascias a good coat of paint so they'll be ready for installation next Friday when I get the picker. Masked and stained the interior clerestory window trim. Started work on the west soffit light and bullet lights. Mixed up mud and gave the east wall another skim coat before the "Sisaling" slated for this week. Plus finished the formica on the last kitchen countertop (on the island). Lights and upper cabs in there and we're done. Came home around 6, washed up and hung out with Cara and took in a fantastic LW show from 1960; Tribute to the Big Bands. We meandered up the hill for some pipe tobacco and cider. Pretty quiet out.
Met Cam and Ben at the PL and we ventured up to Janesville Days for excellent weather and semi-cold beer…in the street. Highlights also included taking in a fight inside the Panther. Pepperoni pizza under the stars at Suds, idling outside the Raceway watching people pay 25 bucks a head for the Night of Fire and a brief stop at the Hydrant to let us know what we weren't missing.
The fantastic weather continued Sunday but a lack of usable wall texture meant I'd have to sacrifice part of the afternoon for a Menards run. After hauling the old gates from the road to the lodge with the trailer, giving our trees some attention, masking the bathroom and cleaning up test efforts (outside) to use mixed popcorn texture, I set forth to the parents to get laundry started. Menards could also hold legitimate claim to "busiest place on earth" for a Sunday afternoon. Got what I needed, more laundry at the 'rents until I get a proper hookup at the lodge, and then load-up time. Some furniture, a mattress, a '48 television. I set out like a bad episode of the Beverly Hillbillies and managed not to get the mattress (tied on to the roof) airborne.
Mixed the texture, drug the heavy compressor upstairs and sprayed the bathroom walls; turned out alright for a first effort. The parents showed to give a hand with the mattress and the Steelcase furniture I packed in their Outlook. Highlight of the weekend was really dinner on the deck with Cara. A legitimate spooling down without obligation knocking at the back door. Sun setting, deer venturing into the fields, Sub City and a cold libation. And not 1 but 2 rabbits working busily on the clover. Big deal you say. Well, when you build a place in a cornfield all the trimmings and expectations of suburbia do not necessarily follow. Orioles and gold finch we have plenty of. Now if we could attract a few squirrels.
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