(Note, the post prior to this one was written last week)
Terrific weekend after a slug of days that were taxing, but moved fairly quick. Friday night I met Ben down at the PL and had a few brews. Parents dropped in for a bit and Ben and I ultimately took control of the juke. I recall shots AND an egg. What more could you ask for on a blustery Friday night.
Did the only decent thing by sleeping in on Saturday, then heading out for breakfast at Jay's for the "UNI-que Domewich". You want a good croissant, look no further. From there, the Rod. Where else but on a Saturday afternoon? I renewed my card and went wild in the compact periodicals section. So much juicy information not available anywhere else, tilled under by that assuming internet. Found some real gems to take home.
From there, groceries- I did my part to keep the economy rolling. Each time I go to HyVee I like to try something new. Over new year's with cocktail fever, I bought a jar of Tomolives. Imagine crossing a miniature tomato with an olive and pickling it (like an olive). Pretty good. This time, it was nacho cheese with jalapenos in a metal can from the originators of the concession stand nacho. That, and a glass 16oz bottle of Coke. We made the mistake of using the self-checkout, which we normally avoid if we're buying any sort of "adult" beverage. This time it was the fat stack of coupons cut earlier in the day. I was warned the machine liked to freeze up, which was sage advice because I couldn't find a barcode or ID number to save my life and wasn't going to risk it.
We made it home and celebrated by enduring a recent acquisition of The Right Stuff before passing out like old folks.
Sunday I had intended to visit the lodge, but the heat wave of 11F wasn't winning me over and the clock was ticking. Instead, Cara ran errands while I took care of ironing and the dishes and LOTS of reading (periodicals are a 24hr checkout). I saddled up the laundry and we spent the late afternoon at the parents taking care of wash while I fired up the old clamshell, scanner and remote burner and committed a number of 50 y.o. articles to the impermanence of the bit. With a new yo-yo powersupply on that iBook (courtesy of the Lincoln School sale) I was reminded how much I like that machine when it's not powering down or sparking. It's so natural to carry it may find its way back into daily use this summer and the responsiveness of OS9 is surprising (you know what I’m talking about).
I had intended to pull out the soap box and do some grand standing but that'll have to wait for next time when I'm not immersed in reality.
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