Sunday, April 25, 2010


It's been a relaxing 3-day break of getting-things-done around here. Took Friday off after last week's lost-weekend, which meant Thursday night I could finally relax. Hit up Menards after work, then pointed the Blazer for the lodge. It was already 6 when I got out there and changed but the threat of rain the rest of the weekend meant I better get busy. I finally was able to change the magneto cap on the Farmall and fire her up legitimately. Once up and running, I set forth to mowing the remainder of the drive-in acre and did so until just about sundown when Ben and Cam made an impromptu visit. We spent the remainder of the night taking in the good weather on the deck and trying out a number of LP's upstairs. Got to bed around 2 and was up a few hours later as Cara gathered her things for an Indiana trip.

Friday it rained off and on- worked around the apartment taking care of some chores and getting some things boxed up, then Lodge bound to tackle a list of indoor items including re-gasketing the fridge with a gasket that's the number I ordered but suspiciously looks like something else, and cleaning up and rewiring the low-voltage control cabinet over the main breakers (finally). Spent the majority of the day there working on this, that and the other before heading home with Little Caesar's, PBR and Casino on LD. Put in a good night's sleep in anticipation of getting up early for the Janesville city-wide sales Sat morning.

Which turned out to be a bust. Found a couple things, but the rain put a damper on festivities and sale after sale turned up nothing but kids clothes. Even struck out in Waverly. The skies began to clear by mid-morning and I set my sights to working on the tractor. With tool chest rolled to the side door I cleaned up electrical connections and wiring, tightened every loose nut and bolt on the old girl and played with the mower deck belt routing and tensioning. Stopped at the parents for a quick lunch and picked up my tax check, then to the apt to load up all the boxes Cara had packed for the lodge move now that the rain had stopped. Took some time to get the Fleetwood listed on eb*y and filled up a 5gal can of gas before making a return to Union Road. With an hour or two of light left, I finally got everything adjusted on the Farmall and decided to give the mower a shot at the "short grass" directly south of the Lodge. Even with her dull blades she made good work of it. Made the final pass as the sun disappeared over the horizon, then brought in the boxes. Finished the last piece of upstairs interior trim, an outlet on the downstairs side wall, and unpacked some of my things upstairs before heading in.

Sunday, yet again up with the alarm. This time, for Menards (again). Gray. Dreary. Rainy. Made a quick breakfast before setting sail. Absolute madhouse. Bought a mower, and a tree, among other rebates. (surprise, Cara!) Had planned to pick up rock, pavers and sand but gave up in disgust. Returned to the lodge doing a cool 30 MPH with branches dancing out the back hatch. Fought the mole's dirt piles (more like mud piles) and got the new tree in the ground. Tore into the new mower to discover not only is it 2" narrower (this I knew) but you have to unbolt all 4 wheels with wrenches when you want to change height. Forget that. Brought the old mower in and pulled the blades off both. Swapped the Briggs engine onto the old deck but with it's shorter shaft, I'm limited to the 20" blade. At least the wheels are easily adjustable. And more under-deck room to alleviate blade binding in wet grass. Wired in a lightning arrester into the shed. Said nuts to this weather and made it back to town my mid afternoon to run some errands.

Now....I need a shave and a shower.

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