Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Thursday Summary:

5:30 AM Up. Coffee. Not too tired, not too awake.

Two and a half hours of sitting in an auditorium watching other departments present their quarterly improvement projects; then presenting ours. Really? This is how I spend my waking hours? I'll show YOU a project. At least there were complimentary cookies, streusel and Diet Dew.

Immediately following: 15 minute return. Half hour at the desk for email. 15 minute...return.

11:30 to 5. A metrics summit. Q notes. Warranty. Culture change. Really? This is how I spend my waking hours? At least there were complimentary cookies, pizza and Diet Dew.

5 to 5:30: email and followup with the super.

6 to 8: Menards for two Yews, grass seed, seed blankets, a bag of cement, etc. Most of the time spent in the rain.

8 PM: Fuel: $70. FR Tire Pressure: 15PSI.

8:15: Turn on my personal cell to find this text: "You expressed interest in the Montana Bakken Shale Formation, largest oil discovery in US history. Serious inquiries only. If still interested, reply = OIL."

8:22 Dry Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Vodka.

8:27 Shale formation, eh?

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