Monday, February 14, 2011

Movies from Last Week

Well now, a little R&R. Nothing too crazy to speak of this weekend. Hobbled into the lodge to check on the new foundation, the current building, and gather some items peacefully resting inside. It's a little odd, really. You step inside and it's a touch warmer. Had a very enjoyable breakfast Sunday at VI, and fired up the bread machine later in the day. Gathered firewood out back, etc. etc. Also identified the best time to head to the rec center, during some sort of bowl game.

This weekend's movies. First, "Unthinkable". I may have enjoyed this moreso than Cara, but we both found it to be a good watch though we initially made the mistake of viewing the official cut. The 'extended version' adds some 90 odd seconds to the tail of the movie which can make all the difference. If you rent it, flip this option on. Afterwards, a quick check on the net reveals why the ending is so abrupt. They ran out of money to properly finish the thing. Oh well.
The better film, IMO, was RED. That's one I might consider picking up on DVD for sheer entertainment value. The pacing, characters, and over-the-top (but not A-Team unbelievable) antics were spot on.

Sunday night we took in a film Cara wanted to see, The Town. Also pretty decent, but as I understand it, they cut almost 2 hours off the film before releasing it, including much character development and story-building scenes. As it currently stands, it makes a decent afternoon cable TV drama.

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