Monday, June 25, 2012

Week in Review

Just glancing at the calendar, we had no sooner gotten home from Wright and Like on the 11th, then we were out to dinner that night with our friend Don. He was also passing through Wednesday, but the first night of his arrival is when the best stories get told and all the catching up is done. Doing so around a fire with a cold brew on a summer’s night was a good time, even if it was way past our bedtimes.  After 4 days out of state, we were bushed, and managed some rest Tuesday before Don’s return. Wednesday, D-Day 2 with the parents, this time. Thursday, I may have actually gotten something done on the new building- actually, I may have made a Menards run and done more planting.  And Friday, I think I mowed the lane and slept. Maybe picking up the groceries and getting fuel for the tractor. Who knows? Saturday was getting the wagon fixed up and toiling in the heat before Damfest that evening and Sunday was spent  back on CS3, moving the picker and trimming the steel deck main support. In any idle moment (yeah right) is the guilty indulgence of my computer design, but being as there’s no physical work getting done, it really is a guilty pastime.

Which brings us to last week. While inside tasks were calling my name, I made it a point of doing at least _something_ on the new building each day, no matter how little. Monday I moved the picker and finished the last front fascia just as the sun set. Tuesday/Wednesday was putting up channels and hauling scrap. Then came Thursday which was an evening at Stuffed Olive for two very delicious martinis for a grand total of $7. Followed by the PL where more money was spent, but the atmosphere lacking. Being the lone person that had to get up for work Friday morning, the task was daunting, but I somehow managed. Tired, dragging, imagine my surprise getting a call at 3PM Friday that Cam, Jill and Alex were at the lodge. Well, nuts to this. Time to shut the computer down and head home!

We all hung out for an hour or two and took in the exquisite weather. Then headed into CF for a brief wine tasting at HVW&S; Cam and Alex went to check on the Intrepid while Cara and I went to pick up the Sonic. We met back up at Carlos for a big dinner, then downtown for Sturgis. You couldn’t have picked a better evening. I don’t think I’ve wandered so much in sandals in a LONG time, or so my feet told me. Thank goodness I found my second wind. We walked from 7th down to Overman, then over to the greenspace east of The Cypress and wandered through the fair to survey the carnies. Next, along the river, over the 1st st. bridge and across the old Clay Equipment area. Continuing east, a huge outdoor area teeming with people  and a giant inflatable screen for concerts was a new addition this year and in new area, as well. From there, we returned back across the river and wandered over to the Ice House where Crews was out glad-handing. Cam did his best to resist purchasing a satchel full of baklava and I attempted to gain dam access but security was pretty heavy. Hannah was preparing to stage some photos with the mayor but on our return, he had vanished!

Next stop, we walked up first street to Four Queens, eyeing some very nice wagons and el caminos (My Little Run-a-way) along the way and discussing the homes and their prior inhabitants. A strawberry twist cone hit the spot. By now my feet were screaming and we had lost Alex and his sister some time earlier. With a big night ahead tomorrow, we took a walk back downtown and over to 7th and gave Cam a ride to his place. I believe it was around 1 or so when we got to bed. So much for a trip to Menards!

Saturday we did it all over again, but Cara was at work and the yard needed mowing. I ran the tractor, push mower and weed whip, and the occasional rain shower helped cool me down. A few hours later, with that done, I started inside with vacuuming, clothes, etc. Finished in time to hit Tony’s with Cara and meet up with a massive crew- Andrea, Robert, McCrea, Micah, Alice, Cam, Alex and Jill. The pizza was delicious but the bill was brought on one continuous receipt that required breaking down who-split-what and how many cards to charge. From there, the weather was with us and we all retreated to the Lodge. Any potential rain had long since passed over leaving a clear night sky and fields punctuated by fire flies. We kept the fire going through midnight once again trying new wine and oddball drinks and lounged outside while the radio played.

Sunday, I watched movies. Lots of movies.

But tonight, 9PM Bowling! Oh yes, and I leave the state in 5 days for the annual 9 day-vaca, only to return to leave the state again for work. So much for June.

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