With a ¾ mile long
driveway, Iowa winters, dusty summers and muddy springs can make getting in and
out difficult, or at the very least, a dirty affair. One could gravel the
entire run (a multi-year commitment at this point), but this is still no
guarantee for winter access, and car washing would still be pointless. For
roughly the same price, a building could be constructed up near the blacktop to
act as a winter depot, to provide year round storage, and to provide summer parking
for the cars I’d rather not see destroyed by sinkholes, mud, and other
suspension-battering obstacles.
Initial Design:
A post-frame
building of size 30x45 was ultimately decided upon to allow for 4 cars to be
parked side by side, plus 2 across the rear. Or substitute a long truck with
plow and some rear storage, or even a utility tractor. With 9’ truss spacing
vs. 8’, the only cost-up from going to 45’ from 40’ is the price of some sheet
steel and 2x4 lengths. No additional posts were needed; seemed like a
After running the
estimate on several variations, I settled on a full 2’ overhang (not cheap, but
aesthetics is important given the location), a solid color side wall and
contrasting trim. Four 9’ wide doors span the front, and a 9’ wide, high clearance
door, will be mounted on the west side. I upgraded for laminated posts to take
some of the difficulty out of plumbing twisted 4x6's, and a no-rot composite gradeboard
which provides a ledge for the side steel which should make sheathing the
building easier. The trigger was then pulled and the whole BOM went out on
order with a 2-3 week expected delivery date.
Meanwhile, the site
would need to be prepared. The farmer harvested a couple acres of corn in the
general vicinity, Cara and I pulled the old steel fence posts and wire, then
set locating stakes for the corners. A week later a local construction firm had
leveled the area and brought in rock to build up a firm base. 48 hours later we
were putting up posts.
Here we go:
Here we go:
Friday after work, I
picked up the rental skidloader with a 20” auger. 14” diameter concrete discs
drop into the 48” deep holes and I wasn’t sure if this would be the right size.
Any smaller and the enevitable cave-in would be a big problem. Any larger and you have a lot
more material to clear out…and to shovel back.
In retrospect, this was the perfect size. Got it home and unloaded,
hauled the cherry picker to the site, and talked to Menards on the phone. “Could
the delivery be postponed until 7:30AM Saturday?,” asked the driver. “Yeah,
that’s fine.”

Saturday, 7:30AM.
Kickoff. I loaded the truck up with 2x4 braces, steel pins, ladders, tools,
etc. It was 20-some degrees but the wind wasn’t bad and the sun was just coming
up. Ben pulled up in his ’61 DeVille and he, Cara and I set about positioning
flags for the holes into the jagged gravel. I had interpolated the plans’
locations into ‘post-centers’ the night before to make things go faster since
the plans measured distances based off girt boards that didn’t yet exist. It
wasn’t long before all was set, and copious cross-checking for squareness was complete
using the 3-4-5 rule. Ben ran the auger while Cara and I shoveled away the
black soil and thick clay the blade brought up. About this time the delivery
semi had arrived, and it was Keystone Kops as they tried to unload the trailer.
Poor planning on our part, we assumed they would stage the material where we
could access the posts first, rather than stacking the last-needed items on
top. But we were too busy making progress with the skidloader to notice. After
a couple holes, and after hitting my head twice on the steel support boom and
nearly knocking myself out, we had got our rhythm. Cara and Ben then took over as
my parents arrived and did a cracker-jack job of drilling all 18 holes.
Now, the plan
specified 21 posts, with 2 between each overhead door…this put the spacing of
the siamesed posts on the order of less
than 2’ center-to-center. How the heck would we drill that? Ultimately, we
abandoned this approach for the intermediate supports between the doors,
drilled a single hole with single post between each, and I’ll frame out the area between the
doors with conventional lumber. For stability, we attempted the siamese operation
on the front corners, but this required some ‘cleaning up’ by hand.
After breaking for
lunch, we had all our holes ready, poles being prepped with uplift blocks and going
into position and all our cement discs in place, despite taking on some water
and backfilling with gravel. By the time we stopped for the day, we had every
post in a hole and our corners set and plumbed. This included an hour for
returning the skidloader by 4PM. Aching from the heavy lifting, we called it a
day and hit the Wild Hare for dinner and pitchers of cold beer.

One side activity on
Saturday was trying to figure out the connection of the composite grade board
pieces. We couldn’t install them because we couldn’t find the connectors. This
would prove to be a blessing in disguise later.
Suffering at the
hand of Daylight Saving Time the night before, we started the day at 8, but
knew it’d be dark just after 4PM. Sunday would be a lot less labor and a lot
more measuring, marking and hammering. The next move was getting the perimeter
posts plumb and sited. Ben and I used a mason’s string and 1.5” standoff blocks
for alignment and after bracing each post, Cara and my parents would follow
behind, filling each hole. By lunch we had the posts plumb, straight and
The next order of
business was determining ‘level’ around the building. A 50 clear hose served as
our water level and made quick work of marking the corners. Ben and I then
snapped chalk lines around the perimeter to mark the posts. Measuring from this
point, we could determine girt locations and spacing. Cara and my Mom ran off
to Menards to try to find the whereabouts of the missing skirt board connectors
while the men cut and installed the girts. Towards the end of the afternoon the
girls showed up empty handed, but a Menards pickup truck was close behind.
Video had showed the box of parts had left on the semi, but it sure wasn’t
here, and the parts were special order- not something they had on hand that
day. Not that we cared at that point…but we’d need them soon. The cement slab
could be poured anytime after skirt board installation, and the forecast for
the following week was none-too promising.

With sun going down, and girts complete, but headers too short due to the decision to eliminate 3 posts, Ben and I put up 2x4 spacers to pull the front columns into plumb and make header install later much easier. We were about 95% ready for truss install.
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