As is my style we took the old highways up north through the towns that were once fed by the lifeblood of the blacktop. Diners and cafes, old gas stations, quaint downtowns, etc. Found a wonderful county park area a mile off Old hiway 10 for a picnic on the way up. Snapped lots of Kodachrome slides, too. Even managed to restock the Hamm's supply and, show of shows! find the much talked about original recipe Schlitz!
Cara's bday being on the 4th I surprised her with a day-trip up to Itasca State Park. She got to walk across the source of the Mississippi, I talked her into climbing the ranger's tower, and we both enjoying winding our way along the beautiful forest roadway. Plus a picnic of course.
As with all things, the trip came to an end and we returned Monday with my grandparent's chrome "Douglas-Built" 1949 table and some small gems I found at the antique stores. Found a different route back that avoided 94 all-together (not going through that traffic again) and saw lots of neat roadside things people just don't have the time for these days.
'Course Tuesday is done with and while everyone else took the day off from work, like the fool I am, I returned. Smile engaged but brain on autopilot. Better than the grim face I normally walk around with (which I just know is dependent on the amount of sleep I can manage) George Costanza had some good advice for the workplace: walk around looking angry!
As to Beck and his Asshat....Just took a stroll with Cara past Mojo's Pizza House. Buck slices on Tuesdays. The girl at the window served us up a pair, then asked for $5. I countered with 'aren't these a dollar tonight?' (signaling to the sign above their ovens) and was met with "that's the bar special". "Really?" (as if she would somehow have a different answer by me rephrasing the question). "Yeah".
Well fine. Two slices of Beck's greasy pizza or a Sub City Sub. I know what I'll choose next time. Incidentally, the whole pizza is $7.50. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
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