Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Home Stretch

Wednesday night and I can see the finish line in sight. The past few days have been a blur. In fact, the last couple weeks have been balls to the wall exhaustion in all areas. Monday I ended up getting the cedar board I needed over my lunch break and finishing up the activities that night that were slated for Saturday (when we ran out of time). Basically, I got the place ready for the glass block install (I've never mortared gloss block before). In between coats of paint on those cedar boards (after shaping with the table saw and mitering them to fit) I was installing 4x8 sheets of finished colored pegboard along the north wall interior. Wasn't sure if I could handle it myself and get it dead accurate level but it really turned out nice. And of course climbing around on the roof working on an end soffit that would normally be too cumbersome for one person. I was also troubleshooting the Blazer, seeing as I had previously had an slight off-idle stutter under load which wasn't a big deal until I replaced the cat converter Sunday and got things breathing nicely. Unplugging the EGR solved it, but also sets a Service Soon light. I figured I might as well replace that. Trouble is, I learned there are a myriad of numbers depending on application, GVWR, geographical location, etc. Tuesday I went to the parts store over lunch and they had NONE at the bargain of $115 bucks. Called all around in the afternoon- prices and availability were all over the map. Finally had enough and drove over to the east side for some logan avenue action after work. They had one type in stock and sho' nuff my OEM number matched. 

Drove back over to the apt, changed, went to the lodge and tried my hand at the glass block, nailing in stops, taking measurements, mixing the mortar and taping up drop clothes. In the end, I was really happy with how it all turned out. Not an easy job either, being a single row without access to both sides simultaneously, nor being able to "stack" them like bricks.  Cleaned up, drove to the parents and proceeded to install a new temp gauge sending unit and yanked the old EGR. (note: hot coolant everywhere!) While letting that engine cool before attempting my other antics I was also gathering stuff for "the big trip". Long story short, the new EGR valve required staking a washer into a recess to set the orifice size for my application. I had just taken my punch set to the lodge the day before. $%#^

Staked with what I had and reassembled. Got home around 9:30 or 10 (I think..?). 

Which brings me to today.... that whole finish line deal.
Work ran a little longer than normal, but I escaped.
Walmart does not carry cedar colored caulk. Fine.
Did the grocery shopping at Fareway. Check.
Contents in parents fridge, started gathering more trip "stuff" & changed.
To the lodge! To mow a VERY overgrown weedy backyard.
.....and mask and caulk around the new block window to keep out any rain while I'm away.
Wet down the blocks while I was there since I noticed stress cracks (grrrrr).
Leave it to me to not trust my cheezy staking. EGR BACK OUT for a proper stake. Gasket seemed to hold (yessss).  
Back to parents for shower, finish gathering stuff. Leave.
Return minutes later to get groceries left in fridge.
Wait in line for stupid girl who would not move her car from the gas pump so the rest of us could fuel up.
$2 wash for the Blazer (final result was worthy of a buck at most)
Paid bills, cleaned the percolator, picked up apt, washed the dishes and now I can start packing.

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