Sorry for the lax updates, it's been tough to find the time to write with all the great weather we've been having. Perfect evenings, gorgeous sundowns, no bugs to speak of, and an air temp that's still right for leaving the windows open overnight. That translates into some good productivity. But of course, it's all going to come crashing down like the US dollar. Because, as we're being reminded everywhere, things haven't been this bad since WW2. And if you say any differently (while discretely hitting the confirm button on that ebay must-have), well then, you must be misinformed and out of touch.
OK, sorry. Not going there. Let's turn to that wildy unexpected blog standard, the construction update. This week's accomplishments? Got lots done. What exactly? Dunno. That's the problem with my ever-updating list. Knock off last night's tasks, blow 'em off the spreadsheet and move up the next batch; trickle-down what didn't or couldn't be done. It's no longer big stuff like "put up the east wall", it's in the (equally time-consuming) details stage now. I won't bore you with those details (okay, maybe a little), so I'll move right up to this weekend.
Last year, Thursday nights were typically my night off. That shifted to Friday nights as the 'grand social outing' for a close of the work-week became ever so inviting. Of course, this meant I could still squeeze in an hour or two of construction work after the day job before cleaning up for a little unwinding. What that means is 7-days a week progress without losing that necessary steam-blow-off time. And so it was Friday. Took care of a few tasks, aligned the tumblers for Saturday, and even eeked out some sundown/Ketel One time on the deck before getting a call from Ben around dusk. My stomach was demanding PIZZA. Which we found. Along with a $3 pitcher of swill.
The next two days went something like this: Get up far earlier than one should be on a Saturday. Fight the box stores and spend far too much money. Meet your EIFS guy at noon and discuss your front overhang treatment. Generally, get a whole lot done, go grab some lunch and meet with Cara, come back out and keep at it. This includes FINALLY getting the replacement tub drain parts solvent welded in (not going into that one), shower heads installed, interior trimboards fastened, paint some steel, plane a bunch of expensive long-length 2-by cedar down to an inch, etc. etc. Call it a night around sundown. Repeat the next day, but without the box stores. Also, now that Menards had their pine drip-mouldings back in tolerance I was able to finish the miters and fitting of the upper-deck front window trimout, and apply coat after coat of exterior paint before going in for lunch (and starting umpteen loads of laundry). Returned with Cara; she tackled mowing while I re-fitand installed said trim. Added a few dabs of silicone as shock absorbtion to prevent glass-rattle should things loosen with temp cycling. That afternoon I was also able to test out the tub and shower-head plumbing and check for leaks, adjust the trip-lever stopper, and all that good stuff. If I had tile on the floor I could drop the toilet in and we'd have a functioning bathroom. Fancy that! If the yellow accent tiles weren't an 1/8" smaller on each edge, that floor would already be in. Such are the difficulties of demanding colors that are no longer made. Concluded the day by staining a sheet of soffit plywood, transferring Cara's dafodil tree to a giant terra cotta pot and planting my prairiefire Maple in the side yard.
Somehow I still managed a decent night's sleep but it sure didn't feel like it. Anyhow, further updates (how about some photos?) will have to wait. Obligations this week preclude work at the lodge beyond tonight. See you 'round the bread line!
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