To re-hash that old archetype..."I could've used an extra day". But what a weekend it was. Jam-packed with progress, leisure, shopping and entertainment. I did manage an extra four hours though, which is better than a kick in the head. Giving me Friday afternoon to snipe an eb@y auction and work in some extra time at the lodge. The weather: glorious. Took care of some small jobs about the place- more plumbing work at the supply entrance, 3/4" conduit standoffs on the electrical, paint on some long-length 1x12 trim boards for installation on Sat, etc. Packed up at 6 and headed in, coincidentally about the time Ben had dropped by the apt. So after a quick shower and change we were off for pizza and drinks at The Library. Judging by the lack of cars in the apt parking lot over the weekend a good majority of the students likely headed home. This was true too at the Panther where we put in a few games of cut-throat and had control of the jukebox while Nina served up drinks. Note: there are good Doors songs, and then there are those that are gratuitous permutations of Love Street.
Saturday morning, knowing I needed a couple of pex fittings, I set out for FarmFleet. Ran into a friend from work also looking for plumbing fittings which resulted in inevitable construction/remodel talk. (and it wasn't Bob or Timmer) Left with neither pex fittings nor the copper street elbows I was looking for and tried Ace. What a mistake. Time lost and still no fittings. This meant Menards but I didn't have my shopping list and wasn't going to blow more time and fuel. Went out to work anyway and knocked out some other tasks including the layout of the electrical heating wire in the bathroom floor, and mixing a 50lb bag of mortar to give the whole thing a scratch coat. Make no mistake, it was hot and the work frustrating, but it looks like it took; scrubbed the dried cement off my arms and continued onto the next thing. Also pried down my 3/8 overhang plywood on the east and west sides to use as templates for the Dens-gold panels (and fought some wasps!). It's the only way to ensure an even transition on the overhangs. Then put up the initial 12' of "tempered trim" inside. Went in around sundown to meet Cara who put in a full day at work herself. Made dinner and had a low-key evening (and some attic snooping that yielded a box full of vintage spice tins). All in all, not a bad day.
Sunday morning, 8AM and up and at 'em. Laundry, ads, eggs and other sundry tasks before heading out the door for supplies. I had managed to rope Cara into giving me a hand at the lodge and first things first, we needed some additional materials (never smart to go shopping on a Saturday anyway, the new ads are only a day away). Stocked up on this, that and the other. Discovered 25% off all trees and shrubs at the M-store and had a perusal. They had a couple specimens that were on my list (Japanese Maple for one). To hedge our bets we dropped in on bLowes which has a bigger selection (and less picked-over). Plus, as they say, their prices will not be beat. OK then. We took a look, grabbed lunch, and returned knowing whatever we bought would have to fit in the Blazer and that I'd give my "specialty" buys to the local nurseries. Picked up some nice foundation plantings, grass seed, my ornamantal juniper and Cara found an unusual flowering daisy tree. Yes, tree. Plus a nice Hibiscus. Went to check out and we had to throw a little weight around. OK, they'd honor the competitor 25% off, but only this time! Oh bLowes. From there we headed back to CF (inspected plants at Jordan's + more laundry) and caught part of the IPTV series on FLW, before heading north of town to unload the plants, try out the new 120' garden hoses and generally "get stuff done!". We worked 'til dark, me cutting out dens-board while Cara stained the upstairs closet door and casement. And she really gave it her all as we foisted an 8' panel of the exterior sheathing into place under one of the overhang corners. Even with 2x4s to help prop things up the shear heft of the panel was enough to try anyone. We finished the bulk of the east side and I rotozipped the prominent edges before we lost all daylight. Took down the scaffolding, moved our plants and headed in for some rest, after all, Monday was going to be a day to RELAX.
And so it was! French toast and hash browns at one of the local eateries (read: not Bonanza). Followed by a leisurely return to blow the dust off the bikes. Took 'em down to the Rapp station for air and gave the trails a-go. Temps and humidity were enough to break a sweat just standing still, which meant we had a lot of trail to ourselves with only the occasional walkers or serious cyclists blowing by. We took the route through Cedar City and out around Big Woods Lake, then down to the Main street bridge where we headed south along the river noting all the mud-covered "stuff" still left in the woods by this summers' flooding. We then proceeded to the shelter/playground/restrooms in Wyth park, over the 218 bridge near the Greenhill exit, then through (along) Hartman to Pfeiffer park with a return through downtown CF. No idea on the mileage or speed, but not a bad tour considering it's been many years for us both. Caught some tube and more laundry and fired up the '76 for a jaunt to HyVee for some grillin' items. A quick battery swap was required (seat solenoid apparently stuck-on and drained the bat). A little twilight grilling and drinks (joined by 8 wild deer) with a viewing of Dirty Harry on AMC. A fitting end to a fine weekend.
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