Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Multiple Problems; One Good Solution

When people get together, interesting things happen. And I mean interesting in the "you frickin' morons" sense, not interesting in the "entertaining" sense. To put it bluntly: I am on a ship of fools. The greatest nag of late is that instead of rising above what I do for a living and leading, growing, etc, I am merely being pulled down to the average, to be repeatedly pummeled with hard objects until the numbness leaves me forgetting what I could possibly achieve without these self-imposed shackles. It's easy to conjure a knee-jerk reaction to this on such a gorgeous day, but my mid-term plan is in place and I wouldn't want to be hasty.

In the news:
1. I've achieved a new personal OT best of 67.5 hours in 6 consecutive days.
2. Said days are getting longer, sun is shining, grass and trees are green about a month earlier than last year.
3. I am stuck inside earning OT and unable to enjoy the sun, grass, or trees.
4. The Pruisner's are moving back to CF for what will be a very interesting (there's that word again) summer.
5. My year-long quest for a tractor has come to a satisfactory conclusion.
6. The well is still pulling sediment, but the showers are great.
7. What's not workable is staying at the lodge on weekends without blinds.

It's sunny. It's after 5. Think I'll head over to the parts store. Then collapse.

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