Saturday, November 8, 2008


Wrote a pretty length blog entry the other day while doing some reminiscing since it will have been 36 months this November that I cut the check for the land and kicked off the lodge project. But, the thing got pretty wordy so I decided to scuttle it. 

Not a bad weekend so far. Cold, rainy, damp, and dark far too early. But, progress nonetheless. Spent the day in the bucket working on the rear exterior. More tomorrow as well, I'm afraid. Since it's been getting dark practically after work all week I've really gotta make the most of this time. Last night I said the hell with it. It was cold and blustery and I had already met up with the utilities after a long day, so I stayed in and fired up the Betamax. Lit things off with an unopened copy of Australia Now, featuring the top acts of the day (1983), including Angel City, Icehouse, No fixed Address and Split Enz doing songs you've never heard of! Followed it up with Hitchcock's "Suspicion" with Cary Grant. It didn't take long to realize I had caught this one on TCM a while back. Not awful, but not a personal top-10 either.

Thursday night I had the place to myself and put on Casino. FANTASTIC. 98% of the acting, the cinematography, the acting, Joe Pesci, it never gets old. Tonight was BTTF 3, one I hadn't fired up in a while. The things you can watch when you're home by 8! (after Lawrence Welk and defrosting the ice box) No, I'm serious.

Something is (finally) afoot around here. Yesterday night I noticed a new SCHLITZ neon sign in the window at the OP. "Odd", I thought. Now Cara shows me a couple pics she shot tonight at Spicoli's. One is a different interior Schlitz actual-neon sign that says Go for the Gusto. And a banner on the door proclaiming "We're Bringing Back the Gusto, ask for it Nov 10th". Very reminiscent of the northern MN handbills (in 60's style) I spotted earlier this summer where original recipe Schlitz was offered. How.....surreal.

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