Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Here for the day, Gone for the weak

Post Work, A/C cranked up and cooling nicely, cold beer, Seinfeld on the set, just biding my time for things to cool off a bit before I head to the lodge. It's a killer out there.

First and foremost, how 'bout a good rant? Stopped over at Menards over lunch with my itemized list (items arranged from front door to exit). I ran out of 8-3 NM last night. 15' is enough for 1 dryer; I thought I'd get more out of that being they're all next to the panel, but no. Of course it costs 25 bucks for 15'. One might think the 25' roll would be less cost per foot, but strangely enough, 25' was $55. OK then.

Also, I think my old-skool Silencio tiles have been DISCONTINUED. The kiss of death.

Hemmed and hawed over the rebar. A 20' length is only a couple bucks more than the 10' lengths. Being I needed a bunch, that's big savings.  "They" know you'll succomb to the 10' length so you can get it home without a flatbed trailer. Well, I figured I'd get the 20's home somehow. Got back in the yard after checking out and surveyed the situation. The solution was obvious- use the ball hitch to put a bend in the rebar mid-length. Bingo!

Finished off the day going over system schematic revisions. Fun stuff. 

AND, decided to swing by the UNI sale preview on the way home. Major scores on last weeks items! Nabbed some classic Apple multi-color power cords, a Panasonic closed-ckt monitor that was about to get tossed out (had been there three weeks and was marked down to a $0.25) and the big one: a replacement power adapter for my 17" PB. Damn near mint condition for $7. Mine's still going strong despite my duck-tape strain relief at the PB end and the internal rewire job at the cube end. Anyone that thinks I must be hard on Apple power adapters has never owned one of their portables. I'll keep it tucked away for the day my original fizzles. 

Oh yeah, and I've got a cement delivery scheduled for Saturday AM. Gotta get crackin'!

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