Monday, January 26, 2009

It's just like a Mini-Mall

Finally caught Gran Torino this weekend; thought it was fantastic. Even Cara, who I could tell went along begrudgingly, seemed to like it as well. Now, to throw out my credibility, we also managed to catch 7/8 of Rodney Dangerfield's Back To School, and Varsity Blues in it's (edited) entirety on Saturday and Sunday. Love the former, and enjoy the latter once every 10 years…which is really the last time I saw it. OK, perhaps "tolerate" it is a better word. Yes, it was a cold weekend.
Construction weather will be here soon and I’m getting antsy. Last winter (or 2 ago, actually) there was purge #1 at the parents place where I cleaned-house, so to speak. The basement, which was show-place, was reconfigured as temp warehouse, with TV's stacked tight, duplicate computer monitors chucked and originals removed from display and shelved freeing up floor space. Sold off some items, earmarked others for garage sales. Sent several trash cans full to the curb. Then this prior spring the majority of washers and dryers headed out the back door for the Lodge, freeing up space. Now once again, I’m looking at what will move immediately this summer, what should be kept for backup and future buildings (both for storage and for furnishing), and what I can make a quick buck on. Simply put, the place is full again, it never hurts to liquidate uninteresting assets, and I don't have time to be bothered with this when 75F ambient comes-a-calling. Uninteresting assets? Yes, things that I knew had value and were either cheap or free at the time and figured I could turn a profit. Somewhat in this category is the scenario of buying a box of 20 light fixtures (or whatever), then selling 1 or 2 off to cover the entire initial purchase. If you have the space, and you're in no-hurry, it's a decent strategy. If no one bites, you might end up finding a use for 20 fixtures anyway.
Now that I think about it, some guys make a living doing this locally on a larger scale- desks, file cabinets, university computer equipment. Takes some real commitment I suppose. And a warehouse.

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